About us?

Deborah International

Deborah International

Somos una organización sin fines de lucro que brinda servicios
de educación y asesoramiento de manera integral y

Nuestros servicios serán ofrecidos en dos modalidades:
presencial y por línea. Los países donde tendrán acceso a
nuestro material será: Estados Unidos, Canadá y América

Deborah Internacional nace con el propósito de brindar a las familias
herramientas, recursos y servicios que proveen un crecimiento integral
en los individuos. Dentro de nuestra organización hemos creado:

Deborah Internacional was born with the purpose of providing families with tools, resources and services that provide an integral growth in individuals. Within our organization we have created:

  • School Challenges
  • Workshops for married couples, parents, women and young people
  • Counseling for couples, parents and pastors
  • events
  • Conferences

Our classes at Escuela Retos, as well as workshops and consultancies, are offered in two modalities: face-to-face and online, according to the conviction of each client and our organization. As for the events and conferences that will be offered during this 2022, they will only be face-to-face.

Challenges School is:

General information

It is not a novelty that in our Hispanic churches,
here in America where we live, we don't count
with women prepared to face the demands
of our present generation. They have not been
Sufficient teaching and training
imparted with emphasis on the work of WOMEN in the
work of God, and these pray to be, many times,
casual and informal.
On the other hand, it is also obvious that the role that she
currently performs is much lower than it has been
call to make. However, we believe that
God's time has come for the Hispanic WOMAN
fulfill that call of the Lord effectively
within his Kingdom, beginning with his family and
spreading to your community.
For this it is necessary to equip it with the weapons of God
in order to fight the good fight. challenges, school
Leadership for Women is the option for her. Here
will have the opportunity to study formally,
to prepare freely in a space just for
women in order to develop that potential
with which she has been blessed by God without feeling
intimidated by the media
With the training that the WOMAN will receive in Challenges,
will be able to enhance your role as a member of your
family, join the work being done by the
leadership of your church and be useful within the
community in which you live. You will have the confidence to
help develop other women; she will recognize
your gifts and talents, and will project them effectively.

How does the Retos school work?

The school consists of nine levels of study, the
which take place over a period of two years, five
the first year and four, the second. The teachings
will be sequential from the beginning to the end of the
training. To graduate you will need to attend
to the full nine levels.
The different levels will be taught by teachers
prepared with a great trajectory and experience in
the ways of the Lord.
We are integrating in this period the modality in
line (Zoom), in addition to our traditional modality
face-to-face This will allow reaching more women and
most convenient way for those interested in being
part of our school with the sole purpose of serving
with excellence and effectiveness.

Challenges School is:

A place that is known for giving women their own identity.
A place that empowers women to develop their potential.
A place that builds and restores women.
A place that builds character in women based on Biblical principles.
A place that promotes the unique qualities of women.
A place that Biblically gives women a position of spiritual authority.
A place that gives purpose and destiny to women's lives.
A place that teaches women how to minister in the gifts of the spirit.
A place that is based on the Bible for the complete preparation of women.
